
Are you a witch they ask

  What does the word witch mean? Many people believe the term witch means a woman who works with the devil and that it can not be used for a male practitioner... however, that may not be the case. Are you ready to take a dive down this rabbit hole and see what ya think on the other side? In medieval times the definition of witch was: *“Woman they are to cure without having studied she is a witch and must die.” In essence, these women were practicing medicine without a license in a male-dominated society. And we all know how big of an issue that was. Move up to Martin Luther in 1522, he said right before the witch trials really took off.    "Witches are the devil's whores who steal milk, raise storms, ride on goats or broomsticks, lame or maim people, torture babies in their cradles, change things into different shapes so that a human being seems to be a cow or an ox and force people into love and immorality.” With this type of definition, it sure makes a witch seem quite sca

Zealandia / Helens Bridge

Helens Bridge  Or should we say Zelandias Bridge as it was originally called? To understand why the bridge had a name change we first have to travel back in time to the 1800’s. An underrated man John Evens Brown traveled a shit ton during his short 68 years of life. Traveling around the states and out. In 1849 he chased the gold rush to California. John kept a vivid diary of the journey, hardships, and deaths that accompanied the trip. He lived in New South Wales, Australia, and even settled in New Zealand for a time. He married twice. When he married his first wife Peacock he became quite a prominent member of society.  During this time away he even became a Parliament member and named his district Swannanoa after a river in Asheville. His second marriage was a contract with Mrs. Martin in 1883.   North Carolina postcards North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Then in 1888, (some sources say 1884) John E Brown came back to Ashville North Carolina. Upon

The Devil Tramping Grounds

 The Devil Tramping Grounds As a North Carolina resident, of course, I had heard the legend that is the devil's tramping ground and after what felt like forever I finally made a trip out there. Read on for a bit of history and my experience. This hidden gem is located in a Rural area in Chatham County North Carolina. There is a clearing right off the road and has over 100 years' worth of legend. Going back to 1882 some say even further. There is a barren 40-foot (12m) circle in a patch of forest where it is said nothing will grow, no animals dare cross into the circle and the devil himself comes to dance here.   In 1980, John W. Harden wrote a book titled "The Devil's Tramping Ground and Other North Carolina Mystery and Stories." Which led to an increasing number of visitors. Through the years there has been some parts of the legend being added and taken from. Some say an Indian chief is buried beneath the circle, others suggest there is treasure hidden there. Peo