History of thanksgiving
Get ready folks and hold on to your knickers Last year I realized I didn't know the full scope of Thanksgiven. I knew the Pagan Harvest Home connection and the "Thanksgiving" basics we are taught in school. Natives, (Hell I was never even taught what tribe) and pilgrims, came together, shared food and everyone was happy. Never questioned it much but then I started getting this feeling 5 or 6 years ago like Thanksgiving was a hoax and it was glossing over genocide a fter I started researching who Christopher Columbus was. So I took a dive down this rabbit hole that I am about to guide you all down. Each year November rolled around and like the good daughter, granddaughter, soldier I huffed and went along with the holiday. If you have been raised in the States, especially in the South you know how hard it is to get others to talk about stuff much less change how they do things. However, last year I put my foot down perse about I was done celebrating this "Holiday...