Estate Ghost


Estate sale ghost

A week ago today I went to an estate sale, wanted to support some friends, and check out all the goodies. Well, I got more than I bargained for. In such a good way. 

Not only did I find some really nice treasures I found a ghost or should I say she found me. 

It all started Thursday morning I got up before the sun to get ready for this estate sale and I arrived at about 7:30am at a fucking beautiful house right on the water. Well, I was by far not the only one there nor the first. They don't let people in till 9 am so I had some time to kill.

Like usual I tend to walk around and stay to myself a bit. This day was no different especially since everyone was trying to talk over each other. Not to mention it was on the water so I went exploring around the outside of the house and down to the water. It was a drury day with some sprinkles of rain. But it was beautiful in its own way. 

Nothing felt off or strange about the property. A little stagnate but that's not really uncommon, to be honest. Well after sitting by the water and back porch for a few it was about time to go in so I mosyed my way back to the front of the house and got back in line, number 6!

So it's 9 am and the doors open and we get to go in 10ish at a time. The energy of the house wasn't anything remarkable. I do a little shopping and fall on my ass to boot. I kept having dizzy spells which is an alert right off.  This is a nice size 2 story house so it took some time to mosey on thru the whole thing. especially not being in a hurry. Well, I finally make it upstairs and there she is.

The very first room I walked in. I couldn't help but chuckle and speak. There was a clear presence of a ghost/spirit. There were other shoppers upstairs. How it all works is people can come in as people leave so to be thoughtful I didn't want to spend too much time in the house. However, I did stop and speak to the spirit and wondered if anyone else would notice her. 

I finish my shopping and head out. BUT that's not where this story ends. 

For multiple reasons, I decided to go back Friday to this beautiful home. Not as early of course. Now this visit was not as busy thank gosh. Which is what I was hoping for. I got to speak with my friends some and as I call it "poke" around with the spirit some more. Because of the dizzy spells, I paid closer attention to the house when walking in, curious if something may have changed. This house was full of antique items including a hope chest made without nails or screws so of course that caught my eye. 

After talking with said friends there was no question about there very well COULD be a ghost in the house with all the antique items and where some of them came from. However, I don't believe any of that plays a role in the spirit of Upstairs.

Speaking of. I mosey my way back upstairs to the same room as yesterday, and this time nowhere near as many people were there so I got to sit and talk with the spirit. Mirrors are great at holding energy and there was one pointed directly at the bed however I'm not positive that was its home or if it was put there during the sale. With the little imagery it provided, I feel it was put there. However, the rosary next to it had been hanging next to the bed. 

It is always very interesting to me when a spirit seems to stay solely in 1 room. they can be elsewhere but their main presence is in a single room. So I sat and talked to this spirit for a time she felt sad.

A room I had not seen yesterday was part of the master bedroom it was a little attic section and I was drawn to it so of course I went looking. The spirit was watching as I picked up a few photo albums and that's when I realized her sadness was more of a temporary sadness. A comparison would be something like watching your kids go off to college knowing that's the right next step but feeling so sad they are leaving home and going to school so far away.

After realizing this I went back to the bedroom where she has the strongest energies and spoke with her some more. I believe she will not linger now that the house has been cleared out but I chose to purchase the rosary from earlier because it held enough of her energy I knew she would be able to locate it if she needed to.

After all this, I do believe the spirit in question is none other than beautiful Mis Linda.


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