Are you a witch they ask
What does the word witch mean?
"Witches are the devil's whores who steal milk, raise storms,
ride on goats or broomsticks, lame or maim people, torture
babies in their cradles, change things into different shapes
so that a human being seems to be a cow or an ox and force
people into love and immorality.”
With this type of definition, it sure makes a witch seem quite scary. This definition doesn't say one way or the other about if this witch is a male or female. But let us take a look at a much newer definition. According to websters seventh new collegiate dictionary, from 1963 the definition of a witch is:
WITCH (n ME wicche fr. OE wicca, masc.
wizard and wicce fem. witch; akin to MHG
Wicken to bewitch, OE wigle divination, OHG
with holy---more at victim)
1a. Wizard, Sorcerer
1b. A woman practicing the black arts: SORCERESS
1c. one supposed to possess supernatural powers
esp. by compact with devil or familiar
1d. or Witcher: Dowser
2. an ugly old woman: HAG
8. a charming or alluring woman
It is understandable that so many people think “witch” means female after all most of these definitions angle it towards women. Though not all. So at this point, you might be thinking well shit this seems pretty cut and dry of what a witch is. You might even be wondering why someone would willingly call themselves a witch but here is where the fun really starts.
*" According to Dr. Margaret Alice Murray a scholar who wrote a long-standing definition of witchcraft for the Encyclopedia Britannica, the word "witch" has been used since the fifteenth century almost exclusively to describe persons, either male or female, who worked magic."
If we go off of margarets definition we can understand a witch isn't so scary after all it simply means someone who practices magic (energy manipulation).
If you have been around Wicca at all I'm sure you have heard of Raymond Buckland. He has written many books around witches and witchcraft and this is his definition of “witch".
*"The actual meaning of the word Witch is linked to
"wisdom" and is the same root as "to have wit and"
to know." It comes from the Anglo- Saron wicce (f)
or wicca (m) meaning "wise one," witches being
both female and male."
deities with a reverence for nature and all life and recognition of a need
for fertility among plants animals and humans in Western Europe witchcraft
grew into a Loosely formalized religion with its own priesthood."
Now based off of that a witch is part of the religion of witchcraft and is a member of the priesthood.
Then we have Carl Jung who was a Swiss psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and psychologist. And he has an interesting take on this topic. According to Jung *"a witch is simply a man not averse to metaphysical study—witches are projections of the dark side of the anima the female side of human nature." So we once again have a take that a witch can be male or female though a little twist on the matter.
Well, there you have it the definition of a witch.... right? Not even close.
If you want to go biblical you can even look to Genesis for a definition of witch. Where it is recounted that watchers the rebel angels fell in love with human women and those women gave birth and after many generations down the line of children we have not only the Nephilim we have witches. Some believe witches to come from this coupling. That of angelic and human ancestry is what created witch blood.
We even have The Witch of Endor. According to the Hebrew Bible King Sol consulted this witch in Endor because she could communicate across the boundary of death. Meaning a witch is a medium.
Have you ever heard the modern turn of phrase “that person was a real witch” indicating they were someone unagreeable, rude, unruly, ill-tempered a real bitch? Well, that brings us to the other side, and to look at the urban dictionary for the definition of witch.
Urban Dictionary of Witch:
It is also used to describe those who follow the Wiccan religion, and,
in some instances, those who practice any type of magick ( Goetic,
Herbal, Enochian, Etc)
2: A bitter or hateful woman. Used in a derogatory sense. A a Hag
if you will.
3: a less insulting (if there is such a thing) form of calling someone a bitch
4: A member of the craft. One who does good deeds when and where
they can, and understands the meaning of balance and spirit
4:Someone who does their studies (watching Charmed doesn't make
you a witch, that show has its facts mixed up)
5: Someone who does their best in this incarnate and the next.
6: knows the rules and plays by them
Witch, n. A properly trained and initiated Priest or Priestess of the
Old Religion. From the English wit or wic which means witty, wise or
intelligent, or alternatively to bend or to shape, and related to wit, wicked,
wicker, wizard.
Well now we have it the definition of a witch BUT wait if you ask the random Joe or Jane on the street chances are they are going to tell you witches aren't real they are something Hollywood made up after all Hollywood has many examples of what a witch is. From Harry Potter, Charmed, to cult classics like Hocus Pocus and the Craft. Then you have the hoards of literature of what a witch is to choose from. You may just get the silly answers of Halloween costumes maybe even the green skin and mole on the nose answers.
They may even range to the scantily dressed women during the holiday who know how to have a bit of fun and laugh. After all having fun, loud laughter and not being solemn are signs of being a witch according to the witch hunters.
So what is a witch?
What makes you a witch?
Some studies suggest you have to practice for a year and a day to become a witch, some say you are born a witch, others claim you can be a self-taught witch coming from any religion and others still claim if you do a simple spell that makes you a witch. In some lines, witches learn and pass down old magical arts such as contacting departed spirits, working the weather, and reading the signs. While others may be called to the path once coming of age.
You ask me "Are you a witch?
This is a question I get asked often and I don't feel confused about the answer. Mine will always be yes because for me a witch is someone who always strives for knowledge. Someone who understands the magic and the energy of this realm, and whom reaches to learn about others. A person who is always learning. Someone who has learned how to use this energy and work with it. Even though there may be some negative connotions around the word Witch and though I have been treated at times less than kind and had people judge me because they don't understand my answer isn't changing. I am a witch and I will help enlighten others.
"Belief in witches exists in all lands, from the earliest times to the present day. The wise woman and the medicine man of primitive societies, the learned pagan priestess, and the divinities of early religion."
There have always been people that we would call witches and there always will be, we aren't going anywhere.
Are you a witch
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