
The Devil Tramping Grounds

 The Devil Tramping Grounds As a North Carolina resident, of course, I had heard the legend that is the devil's tramping ground and after what felt like forever I finally made a trip out there. Read on for a bit of history and my experience. This hidden gem is located in a Rural area in Chatham County North Carolina. There is a clearing right off the road and has over 100 years' worth of legend. Going back to 1882 some say even further. There is a barren 40-foot (12m) circle in a patch of forest where it is said nothing will grow, no animals dare cross into the circle and the devil himself comes to dance here.   In 1980, John W. Harden wrote a book titled "The Devil's Tramping Ground and Other North Carolina Mystery and Stories." Which led to an increasing number of visitors. Through the years there has been some parts of the legend being added and taken from. Some say an Indian chief is buried beneath the circle, others suggest there is treasure hidden there. Peo

A day in the life me

(this is part of it but no this is not what it is called)   Have you ever experienced something a psychological phenomenon and knew there had to be a name for it? Something to help you understand what it is. I talk to a lot of people. I love to interact and make friends or should I say attempt to make friends. As an adult that isn't quite so easy. Over the years I have experienced this phenomenon with people... On multiple accounts with different people, different ages, different colors and it has always boggled my mind what it was called. I felt if I could understand what it was called then I could understand what it was/is and it would help me understand why people felt the need to do it. For years I have wondered what psychological word describes this phenomenon that I have experienced. I have spoken to other people regarding this phenomenon. And until recently still couldn't figure out what it would be called. Example of The phenomenon.... You are friends with someone maybe

History of thanksgiving

Get ready folks and hold on to your knickers All I knew about the holiday was the basics we are taught in school. Natives, (Hell I was never even taught what tribe) and pilgrims, they came together, shared food and everyone was happy. Never questioned it much but then I started getting this feeling several years ago like Thanksgiving was a hoax and it was glossing over genocide.   If you have been raised in the States, especially in the South you know how hard it is to get others to talk about stuff much less change how they do things. So like a good soldier, I huffed and went along with it for a bit longer then about 4-5 years ago I went down the rabbit hole of who Christopher Columbus was and after doing so it really left me with a bad taste about Thanksgiving even more so than I already had. Because of this, I stopped celebrating said “holiday”. And have been quite vocal about it. However, it wasn't until this year that I realized I don't have the full scope of the history o

History of the Ouija Board

History of the Ouija Board For as long as I can remember the Ouija board has had a negative connotation around it short of the few clips of it in Charmed. Over the years I've seen 2 sides of this. You are either “They are fine just a tool to be used” or “They are evil and don't use them.” There has never been a middle ground that I have seen.   Ouija boards have a bad rap of they are used to help open a doorway to the other side to speak to spirits but there is a high chance once you open that door you can be manipulated by evil and or have evil things attached to you or you may not be able to close that door once opened. Because of the connection with spirits, the Ouija board has become a popular item to use during a paranormal investigation.  I have owned a Ouija board on and off for over 15 years. Currently have 3 and will continue to. Years ago one of the first times I ever worked with the board it attracted a spirit. The planchette moved a bit and that was it. Since then I